Though Chuck Lovelace first joined the Foundation staff in 1984, initially serving as treasurer and assistant director, his history with Morehead-Cain goes back more than a decade earlier. He first came to Chapel Hill in 1973 as a Morehead-Cain Scholar, earning his bachelor of arts in economics in 1977. He went on to earn his master’s in business administration at UNC-Chapel Hill two years later.
Chuck served as executive director of the Foundation since 1987. Like all Morehead-Cains, he has many interests. He currently serves as a trustee of the Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) and is a former board member of Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia; Summerbridge National (now Breakthrough Collaborative) in San Francisco; and McCue Corporation in Peabody, Massachusetts. An avid golfer, Chuck also tries to time his business travel so that he can visit local art galleries. He’s especially partial to a good watercolor.