Explorations – Luther Hodges Scholars

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Market-Based Solutions to Vital Economic Issues


Future Business Leaders Committed to Changing the World for the Better


Explorations, the Luther Hodges Scholars alternative fall break, provides scholars first-hand experience engaging with local and national organizations, leaders, and communities addressing contemporary business issues. This initiative offers current scholars the ability to pursue impactful opportunities beyond the academic curriculum that expand educational experiences, heighten understanding of cross-sector collaboration, and foster development as future business leaders. 

Each Explorations experience aligns with at least two of the Luther Hodges Scholars program’s core competencies: 

  • Leadership, the ability to create direction and commitment across boundaries of a higher vision or goal while being fair, honest, and principled and simultaneously influencing others to engage in ethical behaviors.  
  • Cross-Sector Collaboration, the voluntary linking of organizations in two or more sectors in a common effort that involves a sharing of information, resources, activities, capabilities, risks, and decision-making aimed to achieve an agreed upon public outcome that would have been difficult or impossible to achieve by one sector acting alone. 
  • Research, the ability to attain, interpret, analyze, and communicate relevant information and data in order to deliver novel or enhanced insights and solutions to business-related problems. 
  • Scholars will improve analytical and critical thinking abilities through group discussion and reflection   
  • Scholars will network with business professionals and community leaders working in the public and private sectors  
  • Scholars will make connections between the program’s core competencies (leadership, research, cross-sector collaboration) and current economic issues
  • Scholars will enhance relationships with peers and program staff through team-building experiences 

Our recent Explorations trip to Washington, D.C. through the Luther Hodges Scholars program provided the opportunity to visit the Department of Commerce (DoC) which offered us a unique perspective on how the federal government collaborates with and supports both the domestic and international business sectors. Kicking off our discussions, we met with Tonya Williams, Chief of Staff to the Deputy Secretary of Commerce and double Tar-Heel alum (B.A. ’95 & J.D. ’99), whose journey through government roles underscored the value of pursuing your passions and creating a continuous learning path. Throughout her career, Tonya has navigated a range of responsibilities, from working closely with the White House to leading strategic initiatives at the DoC, which employs a staggering 45,000 people.

During our Explorations trip to Washington, DC, over fall break, Luther Hodges Scholars had the privilege of meeting talented individuals working in a variety of impactful cross-sector roles. One of the highlights of the trip was our meeting with Jess Tracy, Director of Special Projects for the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development (NCAIED), at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian.

During my recent Explorations trip with Luther Hodges Scholars to Washington DC, I had the opportunity to meet with Phillip Berkaw (Senior Director of DC Community Anchor Partnership), Maya Brennan (Chief Housing Officer), and Nicole Andonie (Economic Development Associate) at the Coalition for Non-profit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED) to discuss their work in developing affordable housing within the District of Columbia.

Over fall break, I had the wonderful opportunity to go on an Explorations trip to DC provided by the Luther Hodges Scholars program. One of the special opportunities we had was to visit the Google DC office to learn more about Google’s public sector practice and what role policy and government affairs plays in a tech firm.

Among the many great meetings with cross-sector leaders and mission-driven organizations, one part of the Luther Hodges Scholars Explorations trip to Washington, D.C. stood out: lunch at the dining room table with Ned and Diane Powell.