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May 15, 2024

Taking the Lead: New Scholar Representation 

By Larkin Gliddon and Lucia Park, Class of 2026

In the Luther Hodges Scholars program, staff need constant student feedback. The student experience drives the program, from educational and professional strides to community-building amongst peers. Newly inducted sophomore scholars can already feel the effects of the program’s nurturing character: 

“The mentorship I have received from the Luther Hodges Program has been transformative. Having the opportunity to connect with various people in industries I am interested in has allowed me to broaden my perspective and explore my career path with valuable insights.” – Christie Chen, Class of 2026  

Because the program and its scholars rely on each other for support, each cohort of Scholars presents two representatives to participate in the LHS Leadership Council to amplify the voices of their peers. Below, Larkin Gliddon and Lucia Park, as the two members representing the sophomore class, outline the function of the Leadership Council and detail our experiences thus far as the Council’s newest members. 

Leadership Council Goals and Operations 

The Leadership Council meets twice a month to discuss the state of the Scholars’ cohorts and organize monthly events for all scholars to enjoy. With the help of beloved LHS Assistant Director of Student Engagement Keith Martin, our Council works within budgets to book venues and provide refreshments and entertainment to build community and fellowship among scholars. These tasks do not always come easily—often, event planning requires negotiations between us and the venues we seek to reserve. However, the collaborative mindsets of our Leadership Council members find common ground that benefits both local businesses and our scholar community. 

The Sophomore Leadership Experience 

Looking outside, one might think the voices of the Council’s upper-class students would drown out those of the sophomores. We can confirm the exact opposite. The existing Council members welcomed us and our ideas, leading to securing Al’s Burger Shack as the venue for our March event. Every other Sunday, we actively work around budget constraints and provide feedback on behalf of the Class of 2026. As for the seniors, we see our future in them. They will eventually hand down to us the duties of detailed record-keeping and price negotiating with potential collaborators. 

Paying it Forward 

The Hodges Scholars Leadership Council provides a way for all students to contribute to the many community-building efforts within the program. Sophomores are preparing to embark on a key aspect of their scholar journey—the summer cross-sector internship. We aim to transfer the skills the Leadership Council has helped us develop to our respective internship locations and return with newfound experiences that will allow us to serve our scholar community with even greater sensitivity and efficiency. 

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